Company Financials / Corporate Fundamentals

Frequency : Throughout the year
Time :Daily basis at 7.00 PM

Profiles of each company cover the following:

Background data of company
The Background information will appear initially when we select a company. It contains the following Information.
Name and address of the company
Telephone and fax number of the company
Year of incorporation
Year end and book closure month
Chairman, Auditor and Secretary of the company
Name and address of the registrars of the company and more....

Board of Directors
Displays Names of the directors and  their designations.

3 - Year Balance Sheet & Year P & L account
Balance sheet and profit and loss figures for last five years.

Financial Ratios
Financial statements contain a wealth of information which, if properly analyzed and interpreted. Important financial ratios of the company are given.

Quarterly  Results
Latest Interim (quarterly/Half yearly) results announced by the corporate can be easily accessed through this module as reported by the company.

Share price Monthly Share Price (3 years)
Monthly share price with High/Low/close/high PE/Low PE with Market Cap for all companies.

See Corporate Fundamental Information at some of our client sites:

Geojit BNP Paribas Financial Services Limited.